Psychic Shop LI
Explore all of the services offered at the Psychic Chakra Spa. There’s something for everyone! Ready to schedule an appointment? Visit our Schedule Now page right here on the website to book your appointment now!

Palm Readings
The formation of the hand can reveal many things about you; from your personality, to major events in your life. The shape of the hands, the length of the palm and fingers, as well as fingertips all outline and define different attributes of one’s life past, present and future. Our single palm reading will reveal character about yourself, past and present.
Single Palm: $55
Both Palms: $70

Love Reading
Regardless of what status your love life is currently in; married, in a relationship, separated, divorced, single, or any other scenario in between, my love reading is guaranteed to answer all your questions about love. If it’s answers, clarity and guidance you’re seeking, my love reading can help.

Crystal Ball Reading
In our psychic reading, we use extra sensory perception (ESP) to read your individual soul energy – the very energy that shapes and creates your life. Using ESP, we are able to see, hear and feel details about your past, present and future, and share all of her insights with you. Our psychic readings offer more aura and energy; this reading focuses on present and future situations.
Full Life $150

Ambition Sand
Tunes into all life situations and is very detailed on the past, present and future. Ambitions sand includes a combination of all readings and services. Our ambitions sand picks up on all of your energy, and your aura will get into every matter of your life.

Tarot Cards
Tarot cards offer guidance about your relationships, including friends, relatives, and business associates. Our tarot card readings will tune into your present and future situations, and involve more of the people in your life, with a stronger focus on love.
Half Deck $75
Full $85

Psychic Reading
Tunes into past, present and future, love, marriage, and business, while also answering questions and providing advice. The whole life combo includes both palms, a psychic reading, and a tarot card reading.

Chakra Balancing
Chakra balancing sessions offered to help you eliminate all negative energy from your body, blance and align your chakras and energies within yoiur body, and create an overall better and healthier quality of life and wellbeing. Chakra balancing sessions are performed via treating the body with crystals in a calming atmosphere, aligning all chakras and generting a soothing environment. You’ll come out feeling better than ever before with each session!
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